"A photograph is like the recipe - a memory the finished dish" - Carrie Latet
"The world just does not fit conveniently into the format of a 35mm camera" - W. Eugene Smith
"A photograph is memory in the raw"
- Carrie Latet



"Are you a photogarpher?" people asked my. I alway reply "No, I'm just a kid who like to take pictures". Why does people care about the word "Photographer"? Maybe this word sounds professional to them. I do not know. I am so sick of those people who think they are THE photographer when they bought a nice camera(maybe DSLR). In fact, it only makes you are nice camera owner. Personal Concept: Camera is just a tool to capture that image to the film(CMOS/ CCD/ Films) , so that you can review them or share the image to other. The photographies are toook by our eyes all the time. Human eyes are taking 10 films per second all the time. Some of us just do not have a camera at the moment and cannot capture it. Everyone is a photographer.

I really taking pictures by a film camera. Taking a photograhy is whole lot more than just pressing the shutter. Especially when you are taking a film, because of the cost of the films, the time to process the film, etc. It makes me think deeply before I hit the trigger. Then I have to take time to fix and develop them. Actually most of the time I am waiting for the moment; for the darkroom processes and I am enjoying it.
In digital camera, I even think about digital darkroom processes before I take a shot.

Camera is my time machine. It slows down the time, or even stop the time when I am taking pictures. It can even bring me back to the pass when see the photos. It changes my way to see.
Photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it.

